quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2016



   Foc was the most demanding guy among every one which ever met him... For him, everything should be perfect. Brand name clothes, brand name cars, and even shoes or underwear... Now, talking about women, his taste got even more selective. Just to have an idea, Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts were among the very ugly ones. Not really wrong right there, truth be told... Pretty much every other Hollywood actresses were just plain ugly...
   His ex-wife was one of the most beautiful women God ever created. It is true that she cheated on him with every man she could... If it was warm and had something hanging in the right place, she would do it. Francis Otto Carrera, his real name, used to say, in his defense; "at least I wasn't cheated by an ugly woman"... The funny thing is that besides all this lavish taste, the guy lived at a Motorhome, in a trailer park,  a really nice one but, still a Motorhome...
   A few years after divorcing his beautiful wife, he started to miss a woman's company... Some of his female friends even try to attempt the innuendo of a relationship but his answer, to himself or to someone mentioning the subject, was always the same regarding the woman: "butterface"!
   After a while, even his closest friends begun to refer to a female they didn't find attractive as "butterface"... At least, him or his friends were discreet, never mentioning the adjective in front of the subject
   Foc was short, a kind of chubby, he walked like a duck, had this horrible habit to laugh really loud and, worst of all, sometimes he even picked his nose and try to hide the "found" under a table or chair, in front of everybody... Not really a Greek Adonis, as per Se... But, it didn't matter... For him, beauty is beauty, of course he could to be referring to himself, when this thoughts used to come to his mind.
   Because of that, fifteen years had passed after the infamous divorce, and our friend Foc was still single... Telling the truth, many times he had the urge to remind himself of his married days and, every time it happened, he would call one of his many female friends and, believe it or not, he had quite a few, to use them for the benefit of his sexual appetite. Till this date, nobody could never understand, perhaps not even him, why women liked the guy so much... It is true that he was polite, gentle, kind, considerate, to a point that some of his acquaintances would even think that he might be gay but, he was so ugly that it couldn't be true, even if he wanted to... Who would want him, besides that bunch of women whom used to stick with him all the time? An interesting thing was that nobody ever called him "butterface", nor even could, since no one knew what it meant. People knew it recalled women he didn't like but nobody knew what the word supposed to mean...
    Among all his "friends" there was one that after "visiting" his bed for a few times felt madly in love for him, and was determined to marry him, at all costs... Foc liked her a little bit but, like a friend, well... If he was in need of some sex, in that case, he would consider her quite more than just a friend, an occasional lover but, never, ever, a wife. None of his friends could never understand why.
   Muff, how the Portorican girl was called, which, despite not being the most beautiful girl in the world, would make Jeniffer Lopes look like a twig, was determined to make her wish come true. In order to do that, she started to invite herself to follow her "love interest" everywhere he would go. In a way, Foc was kind of liking the idea... He had company, without any commitment.
   One month, and every one of his friends were already comfortable with the girl's company. Some were even contemplating the possibility of "housing" her, in case "our friend" decided, once and for all, that she was not the one "meant to be".
   Foc, for the first time since his divorce, begun thinking of the idea of having someone around more often, officially.  Of course, he didn't want to let this attitude to be considered as a permanent commitment but, in his case, was a big, a huge step forward.
   One Sunday, after lunch, one of this friends asked what was wrong with that beautiful woman and why he always referred to her as "butterface"... Her face didin't resemble butter or anything similar.  
   Calmlly, sat in his place, he took a good look at Muff, on her way to the "ladies room", and with a smirk in his face, answered:        
-  I never said she looks like butter...  I meant, and also think, that on her everything is good, but her face...

Copyright 1/2016 Eugene Colin.

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2016


                                                       Ato de Bondade

   Em uma pequena cidade não muito longe de Atlanta, capital do estado da Geórgia, nos Estados Unidos, um menino orfão e pobre, vendia utensilios de casa em casa como seu sustento e para poder pagar seus estudos...
   Faculdade de Medicina, uma das mais caras, certamente não era escolha adequada para um jovem pobre mas, esta era sua vocação, sua maneira de tentar aliviar um pouco o sofrimento de tantos que como ele, mesmo em um pais rico, não haviam sido abençoados com a fartura.
   Em um dia ensolarado, de sol causticante, após gastar seu ultimo centavo para pagar suas contas mensais, com fome e sem dinheiro, decidiu que pediria por um prato de comida na próxima casa que visitasse. Porem, quando uma senhora jovem e bonita abriu `a porta, envergonhado, perdeu a coragem e ao invés de comida, pediu por um copo d’água.
   Reparando bem `aquele jovem, achou que ele aparentava estar com fome, assim sendo, lhe ofereceu um copo grande, com leite, que ele bebeu vagarosamente como se estivesse tentando que aquela “refeição” o sustentasse ate' a próxima, isto e', se conseguisse vender alguma coisa.
   Ao terminar, olhou agradecido `a senhora e lhe perguntou:
-  Quanto lhe devo?
-  Você não me deve nada! Respondeu ela. Fui ensinada a não cobrar por gentilizas... Concluiu.
-  Neste caso, lhe agradeço do fundo do meu coração...                                                
   Ao mesmo tempo em que John Willians, nome daquele menino, se despedia da senhora em direção `a casa vizinha, ele se sentia mais forte, não apenas fisicamente mas sua fe' em Deus e no ser humano crescia também... Naquela mesma manhã, apenas algumas horas atras ele estava pronto para desistir, vencido pelo cansaço, quase pronto para se abrir `a ofertas mais fáceis e menos honrosas.
   Anos mais tarde, aquela mesma mulher ficou muito doente... Os médicos da cidade não se sentindo capazes de diagnosticar sua doença a transferiram para uma cidade grande onde ela poderia encontrar um especialista na doença rara que a havia acometido.
   No segundo hospital para o qual ela havia sido transferida um especialista foi chamado para consulta-la. Quando aquele medico leu na ficha medida o nome da cidade onde a paciente vivia, um sentimento estranho o acometera. Imediatamente ele se levantou de sua mesa de trabalho em direção ao quarto da doente. Assim que abriu a porta, reconheceu a mulher imediatamente. Estava determinado `a salvar sua vida, e se dedicou arduamente para que pudesse vencer o mal que acometera `aquela jovem de quem nunca esqueceu o rosto.                                        
   Apos uma batalha que durou meses, a mulher foi curada.
   Dr. Willians requisitou que a fatura das despesas fosse a ele enviada para aprovação, antes de ser apresentada `a paciente.                                                                            
   Ao examinar a fatura, escreveu algo no canto da mesma antes de que ela fosse enviada `a paciente.      A senhora estava assustada quando a conta medica chegou `as suas mãos. Tinha certeza que levaria o resto da vida para poder pagar ao tratamento longo e especializado ao qual foi submetida.                  Reunindo coragem, abriu o envelope e algo, manualmente escrito no canto da fatura lhe chamou atenção. Estava escrito:                                                                    
“Quitado anteriormente por um copo de leite” ( assinado) Dr. John Willians

   Lagrimas de agradecimento ainda turvavam sua visão quando ela viu aquele jovem doutor abrir a porta de seu quarto para agradecer, mais uma vez, pelo quanto ela havia conseguido com seu silencioso ato de bondade...

Copyright 11/2005 Eugene Colin

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2016




    At the turn of the 20th century, during a conference, a professor of the University of Berlim challenged his audience with this question:
-  Did God create everything which exists?
   A student answered with certainty:
-  Yes! He did...
-  Did God create everything? He asked again...
-  Yes! Sir... Repeated the youngster.
   Then, the professor asked:
-  If God created everything, then, God created the evil? Because, evil exists, and by knowing that our    work is a reflection of ourselves, in that case, God is evil.
   The boy was silent and the professor, assertively, was content for having proved, once again, that faith was waste of time.
   Another student, raising his hand said:
-  May I ask you a question?
-  Of course! Answered the professor.
   Standing up, he asked:
-  Professor, does "cold" exists?
-  What kind of question is that? Of course there is "cold". Or you never felt cold in your life?
   With assurance, the young boy answered: 
-  In reality, Sir, "cold" does not exists. According to the laws of physics, what we call "cold" is,   
   in practical terms, the absence of heat. Every body or object can be studied when has or 
   transmits energy. The heat is responsible for the warmth or energy in this body. The absolute 32  
   degrees Fahrenheit is the absence total and absolute of heat. In this case, every body, stands still, 
   incapable of reaction but, there is no "cold". We created that definition only to describe how we feel
   with no "heat".
-  What about "darkness", professor? Does the absolute "dark" exists?
   The professor, fearing of what was about to come, answered:
-  Yes! It does....
   The student continued:
-  Again, you are wrong, Sir... There is no "darkness" either. The "darkness" is nothing else than the 
   absence of light. Light can be studied. "Darkness" can't! There is even Nichol's Prism to separate 
   white light into the several colors by which it is composed, with different color waves... You cannot
   do the same with "darkness". A single ray of light, penetrate the dark and lit up to a certain space... 
   How can you tell how dark is a space if there is nothing to be seen? "Darkness" is a definition 
   created by man to describe the absence of light.
   Finally, the boy asked to the professor:
-  Sir, does evil exists? 
   Assured that the student would have no explanation, he answered: 
-  Of course "evil" exists... As I said in the beginning, we see rape, crimes, violence everywhere...    
   All this things come from "evil".
   With a smile in his face, the boy said:
- "Evil" does not exists, Sir. At least, not on his own. "Evil" is nothing else than lack of 
   "goodness".  It is just like in the other cases... "Evil" is a definition created by man to describe the 
    absence of  God. God did not create "evil". It is not like faith, or love, which exists, like "the heat"
    or "the light". "Evil" is the result of lack of God in human's hearts. It is what happen with 
    "cold",  when there's no "heat", or "darkness" when there's no "light".
    Amazed by all that knowledge, the audience gave the young student a standing ovation at the same time, the professor stood there, quiet in silence and awe...
   At the end of the event, the principal of the University came towards that young boy and said to him:
-  Congratulations young man... I was impressed with your knowledge, your common sense, on how
   well you presented your theory and defended your case... While you're lecturing I was concentrated
   in your words, in your demeanor. It is a privilege for us to have a brilliant student such as
   yourself ... By the way, what's you name?
-  Albert Einstein, Sir!.

Copyright 10/2013 Eugene Colin.

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016



   Pepe era el tipo de persona que me encantaría ser. Siempre estaba de buen humor y siempre tenía algo positivo que decir. Cuando alguien le preguntaba cómo le iba, él respondía: "Si pudiera estar mejor, tendría un gemelo"... Era un Gerente único porque tenía varias meseras que lo habían seguido de restaurante en restaurante.
   La razón por la que las meseras seguían a Pepe era por su actitud, él era un motivador natural. Si un empleado tenía un mal día, Pepe estaba ahí para decirle al empleado cómo ver el lado positivo de la situación. Ver este estilo realmente me causó curiosidad, así que un día fui a buscar a Pepe y le pregunté: "No lo entiendo... no es posible ser una persona positiva todo el tiempo, ¿cómo lo haces?"
   Pepe respondió: "Cada mañana me despierto y me digo a mí mismo... Pepe, tienes dos opciones hoy. Puedes escoger estar de buen humor ... o puedes escoger estar de mal humor. Escojo estar de buen humor. Cada vez que sucede algo malo, puedo escoger entre ser una víctima o aprender de ello. Escojo aprender de ello. Cada vez que alguien viene a mí para quejarse, puedo aceptar su queja... o puedo señalarle el lado positivo de la vida. Escojo el lado positivo de la vida".
-  Sí, claro, pero no es tan fácil", protesté...
-  Sí lo es...", dijo Pepe. "Todo en la vida es cuestión de elecciones. Cuando quitas todo lo demás, cada situación es una elección. Tú eliges cómo reaccionas ante cada situación, tú eliges cómo la gente afectará tu estado de ánimo, tú eliges estar de buen humor o de mal humor. En resumen, TÚ ELIGES CÓMO VIVIR LA VIDA".
   Reflexioné sobre lo que Pepe me dijo... Poco tiempo después, dejé la industria hotelera para iniciar mi propio negocio.
   Perdimos contacto, pero con frecuencia pensaba en Pepe, cuando tenía que hacer una elección en la vida, en vez de reaccionar contra ella. Varios años más tarde, me enteré que Pepe hizo algo que nunca debe hacerse en un restaurante, dejó la puerta de atrás abierta... y una mañana fue asaltado por tres ladrones armados. Mientras trataba de abrir la caja fuerte, su mano temblando por el nerviosismo, resbaló de la combinación. Los asaltantes sintieron pánico y le dispararon. Con mucha suerte, Pepe fue encontrado relativamente pronto y llevado de emergencia a una Clínica. Después de ocho horas de cirugía y semanas de terapia intensiva, Pepe fue dado de alta, aún con fragmentos de bala en su cuerpo. Me encontré con Pepe seis meses después del accidente, cuando le pregunté cómo estaba, me respondió:
-  Si pudiera estar mejor, tendría un gemelo".
Le pregunté que pasó por su mente en el momento del asalto.
-  Lo primero que vino a mi mente fue que debí haber cerrado con llave la puerta de atrás. Cuando estaba tirado en el piso, recordé... que tenía dos opciones. Podía elegir vivir o podía elegir morir. Elegí vivir."
-  ¿No sentiste miedo?", le pregunté... Pepe continuó:
-  Los médicos fueron geniales, no dejaban de decirme que iba a estar bien. Pero cuando me llevaron al quirófano y vi las expresiones en las caras de los médicos y enfermeras, realmente me asusté. Podía leer en sus ojos: Es hombre muerto. Supe entonces que debía tomar una decisión".
-  ¿Qué hiciste?, pregunté.
-  Bueno, uno de los médicos me preguntó si era alérgico a algo; respirando profundo grité: sí, a las balas. Mientras reían, les dije: estoy escogiendo vivir, opérenme como si estuviera vivo, no muerto".
Pepe vivió por la maestría de los médicos, pero sobre todo... por su asombrosa actitud. Aprendió que cada día tenemos la elección de vivir plenamente, la ACTITUD, al final, lo es todo.
   Y recuerda, sólo se frustran... aquellos que dejan de ver la parte positiva de sus resultados y de la vida.

Copyright 5/2001 Eugene Colin